lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

The topic that I choose is named "Space- Age Living". I choose this topic cause is really interesting for me and all the topics relationated with the space and the universe. This topic in special attracted my atention. The topic is about the (ISS) Internacional Spece Station, this is a mega proyect if I can say it cause, well in my opinion is something that has never been seen. Sexteen nations are giving millon of dollars for this proyect, nations like Rusia, the United States, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Britain, etc. The station is in construccition it is supposed that the station is big as 2 fotball fields, this station its going to allow to this contries to make more proyects of investigation.The station is orbiting the earth at the asowme velocity of 17,500 miles per hour and even it missing parts in the station, it supposed that are going to be 100 parts. If you want to check the site this is the link

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